Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lounge Lecture on June 18

All Soc-med students are enjoined to attend and participate in the Lounge Lecture on Community Disaster Preparedness. We have two distinguished scholars from Florida State University, Dr. Audrey Heffron-Casserleigh and Dr. Ralph Brower.

Details are found in this link --

It will be on June 18, 2011, 8.30-11.10am at Andrew 903.

Those who are attending the lecture will get a class incentive if you also complete the reflection form that will be distributed during the session. Please do not forget to include your complete name and section.


Happy, Happy #DLSU100 Years to all friends, colleagues and beautiful students! It's timely that the lunar eclipse also occurred on June 16, 2011. It's a beautiful sign of the transformational role of DLSU in our nation building and better change.

Let's also pray for all the Lasallian brothers in the Philippines!

Cheers to everyone! Have a safe, wonderful fun-filled day! God bless.. :))

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