Monday, June 22, 2009


The objective of this experiment is to determine the level of popularity, confidence and web host reliability of Youtube as a resource/multimedia facility.

On July 14, 15 and 16, all study groups will be conducting the Youtube Traffic Experiment. SGs have the option to approach the experiment

a. choose a specific schedule like 1:00-3:00pm for three consecutive days;
b. choose a day let’s say July 15, 6:00am-12nn or 6:00pm-12am.
for a total of six (6) hours.

Every two hours, the group will watch the recent 20 videos uploaded in Youtube.

1. Analyze the videos uploaded in terms of Youtube category. Use tag cloud to measure the popularity of the category.

Reference to Tag cloud:

Youtube categories are:
Music Entertainment People & Blogs Comedy Sports Education Autos Film HowTo News Pets Science Travel

2. What are the most commonly used tags? (You may also use tag cloud for this purpose.)
3. What’s the average length of the video uploaded?
4. What’s the average age of the video uploader?
5. Get the statistics of uploads by country.
6. Get the statistics of uploads by language.
7. Get the count of the videos that were blocked.
8. Other significant results.

Exclusion: videos that were blocked.
*This experiment was patterned after a concluded study. The original experiment will be mentioned by your adviser after this experiment.

Presentation of Results: July 19, class time. Make sure the results are already uploaded in the blog.
Tally sheets used and the Excel file created will be submitted to the class adviser.


teejae05 said...

Super Soccomp Group -

Strawberry said...
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Strawberry said...
Ray Duya
Jacy Ledesma
Jester Sutilo

Stanley said...

Calvin Chua
Jefferson Hernaez
Stanley Wilmer Ong
Mark Allen Pajarellano

nackcorporation said...

Nack Corporation

Janelle Ang
Jiaan Co
Kenneth Koa
Veronica Ng